
& NEGOTIATE for The BEST AGREEMENT (European Economic Area membership) with refund of residual value of investments we made in buildings and infrastructure – Visit The Main Site www.InfoWebSite.UK




Help to hold the door open to escape to a planned and stable future for Britain on the global market, and to assist others to leave the confines of the undemocratic EU, controlled by failed politicians from vassal states and unelected bureaucrats.
Please help yourself to any of the quotes or images that I have provided below, to assist people to spread the message of just how damaging The EU is, to Britain and many other Countries and Nation States that have foolishly become its vassals in their arcane and undemocratic experiment. 
If Britain hadn’t joined EU and had banked its net contributions it would today have the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund
(GrahamStringer MP)
Whether campaigning for or against BreXit do not forget the individual you are discussing it with is entitled to an opinion, however ill informed or foolish you may believe it to be, a well worn truism is:
“He who raises his voice loses the argument”
Remember the cowardly attack & brutal murder of 27-Nov-2019 by the words of 1 of the 2 victims: Cambridge graduate Saskia Jones aged 23, known as ‘100% Saskia’ for always giving any task or challenge she was given 100%
She said:
“Never raise your voice, but improve your argument”.
When it comes to working to Leave_The_EU be minded:
‘The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.’
(Chinese Proverb)
“When Europhiles start parading their ‘experts’ you know they’ve lost the argument Don’t listen to the very clever people who tell you Brexit will be a disaster – it’s pure emotional manipulation from a duff campaign”
(The Telegraph 28-Mar-2016)
I will respect no one who does not respect the sovereign vote of the British people once it has spoken whether it is a majority of one percent or 20 percent.
When the British people have spoken you do what they command. Either you believe in democracy or you don’t.
(Paddy Ashdown whilst awaiting the result of the Referendum count 23-Jun-2016)
“[There’s no way Britain could accept that] the most vital economic forces of this country should be handed over to an authority that is utterly undemocratic and is responsible to nobody”
(British Prime Minister Clement Attlee in response to the Schuman Plan 1950)
(Tony BENN -1925 – 2014)
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(Tony BENN -1925 – 2014)
BENN, Tony 03
(Tony BENN -1925 – 2014)
BENN, Tony 04
(Tony BENN -1925 – 2014)
Politicians glibly talk of £ Billions of OUR money
1Bn. seconds 32 years ago
1Bn. Minutes ago The Christian era had just begun!
1Bn. Hours is 114,000 yrs!
1Bn. Days is 2.7 Million years!
Even £ Million is hard to get your head around:
1M. seconds is 11.57 days!
1M. minutes is 694 days!
1M. hours is 114 years!
1M. days is 2,740 years!
I have little doubt that politicians haven’t a clue what a Billion is!
“Parliament must…resign itself to becoming a rubber stamp.”
(Lord Kilmuir, advice to Edward Heath, December 1960)
“After I became joint chairman of the Get Britain Out Council two Americans came to see me in 1975 with a large bundle of papers. They were, they claimed, CIA agents who deplored their country’s methods in interfering in the affairs of a good ally. What they had brought were copies of documents which showed that a dedicated federalist, Cord Meyer, jnr. was to become head of a CIA station in London for the duration of the Referendum “to do what it takes” to secure a “Yes” vote in favour of Britain remaining in the EEC. The papers showed that the CIA had already given the European Movement considerable sums of money, but now multinational corporations which had been assisted by the CIA were to be persuaded to fund the “Yes” campaign through indirect channels”.
(Sir Richard Body)

“We should frankly recognise this surrender of sovereignty and its purpose.”
(Edward Heath, Hansard, 17 November 1966)


‘You could have a Commonwealth link, and not of course a direct political link; you could have a Commonwealth link of other sorts.
But of course a Federal Europe I think is a very important point.
Now the real thing is that if you are going to have a democratic Europe, if you are going to control the running of Europe democratically, you’ve got to move towards some form of federalism and if anyone says different to that they are really misleading the public.’
(Joe Grimmond – Leader Liberal Party – C1962)

If you vote for politicians who promise to give you other people’s money, don’t complain when they give your money to other people – or, indeed, when they take it for themselves.
(Daniel Hannan @DanielJHannan Tory MEP rtd. 28-Dec-2021)

HITCHENS, Peter 01 - Supreme Court 01
(Peter HITCHENS – re The Supreme Court – 24-Sep-2019)

“We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle”


FALLON, Tim 02

(Tim Farron MP – Lib Dem LEADER – June 2016)

America would welcome it if Britain should apply for full membership in the [EEC], explicitly recognising that the Rome treaty was not merely a static document but a process leading towards political unification.
(George Ball Under-Secretary of State for JFK 1961)

DYSON, Sir James 02

The single market was the theme of the Eighties; the single currency was the theme of the Nineties; we must now face the difficult task of moving towards a single economy, a single political unity“.
(Romano Prodi, 13 April 1999)

BreXit - BBC DESPITE claims 01

“Let’s imagine Europe is a football club and you join, but once you’re in it you can’t say let’s play rugby”.
(French foreign minister Laurent Fabius)

We perform the duties of freemen; we must have the privileges of freemen …
(Chartists 1836)

“I’ll have done my job if, in the end, the deal is so tough on the British that they’d prefer to stay in the EU.”
(Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief negotiator, told EU leaders in 2016, as revealed by the French magazine Le Point)

“The [Lisbon Treaty] is indeed a tidying -up exercise, it sweeps the rest of our sovereignty under the Brussels carpet”.
(Lord Pearson)


“The Government’s guiding principle was…to swallow the lot and swallow it now.”
(Sir Con O’Neill, the British diplomat who led the UK’s negotiations for EEC membership under Heath)

“When Europhiles start parading their ‘experts’ you know they’ve lost the argument Don’t listen to the very clever people who tell you Brexit will be a disaster – it’s pure emotional manipulation from a duff campaign”
(The Telegraph 28-Mar-2016)

CHURCHILL, Winston 01

“I look forward to the day when the Westminster Parliament is just a council chamber in Europe.”
(Kenneth Clarke, Conservative Chancellor in International Currency Review Vol 23 No 4 1996)

CLARK, Helen NZ 01

“The EU is the old Soviet Union dressed in Western clothes”

(President Gorbachev)

TUCK, Richard 01

“Europe’s power is easy to miss. Like an ‘invisible hand’, it operates through the shell of traditional political structures. The British House of Commons, British law courts, and British civil servants are still here, but they have all become agents of the European Union implementing European law. This is no accident.”
(Mark Leonard co-founder and director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, the first pan-European think tank)


“We need to build a United States of Europe with the [EU] Commission as government”.
(Viviane Reding, EU Commissioner 2014)

“But Europe is not to be saved by any single man. England has saved herself by her exertions and will, as I trust, save Europe by her example”
(William PITT, C1805)

“A supranational union is a multinational political union where power is delegated to an authority by member states”.

“A coup d’état by a political class who did not believe in popular sovereignty”.
(Tony Benn on the European Communities Act 1972)

“Once [WWI was over, countries] went back to rules & customs of parliamentary democracies. I felt out of my depth”.
(Jean Monnet, Father of EU’)

“EU Parliament is incredibly responsive to lobbying institutions, but is unresponsive to public opinion”.
(Gisela Stuart, Labour MP 2009)

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“Europe will be forged in crises, and will be the sum of the solutions adopted for those crises”.

(Jean Monnet, Father of EU’)

“I have lived in your future ….and it doesn’t work”.
(Russian dissident Vladimir Bukovsky on the EU)

“Determined to lay the foundations of an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe”.
(Treaty of Rome 1957)

“We must be clear about this; it does mean, if this is the idea, the end of Britain as an independent European state. I make no apology for repeating it. It means the end of a thousand years of history. You may say: “Let it end.” But, my goodness, it is a decision that needs a little care and thought.”
(Hugh Gaitskell Labour Party Leader – Speech at Labour Party Conference 03-Oct-1962)


MONET, Jean 01

“This Treaty marks a new stage in the process of creating an ever closer union…”
(Maastricht Treaty 1992)

“This Treaty marks a new stage in the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe”.
(Lisbon Treaty 2007)

“Never out on principle; never in on principle [regarding EEC membership]. It depends on the terms and whether it is best for Britain”.
(Labour leader Harold Wilson, May 1975)

“The economist members of an academic group to which I belong have checked the Treasury forecasts of post-Brexit doom and found them fundamentally flawed. But the house journals of the elite, like The Economist and The Financial Times, ignore it, because it does not fit their catastrophic … abysmally negative narrative. If you take an optimistic view, it could be quite galvanising”.
(Robert Tombs, Prof. Emeritus Cambridge University Jun-2018)

“Now we’ve signed it – we had better read it”
(Douglas Hurd, former Foreign Secretary on the Maastricht Treaty)

‘We must recognise that to sign the Treaty of Rome would mean having common external tariffs, which in turn would mean the end of Commonwealth free entry, and I cannot conceive that any government of this country would put forward a proposition which would involve the abandonment of Commonwealth free entry. It would be wrong for us and for the whole of the free world to adopt a policy of new duties on foodstuffs and raw materials, many of which come from under-developed countries at present entering the major market duty free.’
(Reg Maudling – Chancellor, on 12-Feb-1959)


“The supremacy of Community Law when in conflict with national law is the logical consequence of the federal concept of the Community”
(H P Ipsen, 1964 – 9 years before the UK joined)

“[Norway] held a referendum [on the EU] that went the wrong way”
(Douglas Hurd, former Foreign Secretary on the Maastricht Treaty)


“Public opinion will be led to adopt, without knowing it, the proposals we dare not present to them directly. All the earlier proposals will be in the new text, but will be hidden and diguised”
(Valery Giscard D’Estang. on the Lisbon treaty)

“We should not be scared of leaving it [the EU] and exploring a world without it. The opportunities that arise from a dramatically changing world are huge and I don’t think that a lot people in our area, never mind in Brussels, are that interested or understand it”.
Jim O’Neill – 2013 – Charman of Goldman Sachs’ asset managment business

rockefeller crisis nwo

“The Tories have been indulging in their usual double talk. When they go to Brussels they show the greatest enthusiasm for political union. When they speak in the House of Commons they are most anxious to aver that there is no commitment whatever to any political union.”
(Labour MP Hugh Gaitskell, October 1962)

“It means the end of a thousand years of history.”

(Hugh Gaitskell – 1906-63, on a European federation; speech at Labour Party Conference, 1962)

“The Constitution is the capstone of a European Federal State.”
(Guy Verhofstadt, Belgian Prime Minister)


‘If it’s a Yes we will say “on we go”, and if it’s a No we will say “we continue”.’

(Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Council)

“The substance of the Constitution is preserved. That is a fact.”
(German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the Lisbon Treaty)

“I have read some of [the Lisbon Treaty] but not all of it.”
(Caroline Flint, former Minister for Europe)

“The primary reason why Britain entered into [EEC] negotiations was political, political in its widest sense.”
(Edward Heath, lecture at Harvard, 1967)


“They must go on voting until they get it right.”
(Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission)

“When the going gets tough, you have to lie.”
“I am for secret, dark debates.”
To quote
fired Luxembourg PM 4 corruption

“Sometimes I like to compare the EU as a creation to the organization of empire. We have the dimension of empire.”
(Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, 2007)

“If you go through all the structures and features of this emerging European monster you will notice that it more and more resembles the Soviet Union.”
(Russian dissident Vladimir Bukovsky)

“The European Union is a state under construction.”

(Elmar Brok, Chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs)


“I have never understood why public opinion about European ideas should be taken into account at all,”
(French PM Raymond Barre)

“I believe neither the French nor the Dutch really rejected the constitutional treaty.”
(Jean-Claude Juncker, Prime Minister of Luxembourg)

However do be minded that Neville Chamberlain’s political & strategic wisdom and integrity far exceeded that of David Cameron, for as he entered his Cabinet on his return from Munich his first words to them were:
“Gentlemen prepare for War for I have bought but a little time”.
(Neville Chamberlain quote Sir Alec Douglas Home his PPS  @ Munich)

“In 1973 the British people were cheated out of their inheritance of Parliamentary self government when they were taken into the EEC Common Market without their consent. The decision to do so was based on a majority of just eight MPs in a Commons vote the year before. The public were told our Parliament could veto anything not in our national interests. This was a lie. More often than not it turned out to be a veto in reverse. For example if we requested a 50 mile fishing limit, then such a request could be vetoed by countries such as land locked Luxembourg!”
Enoch Powell

“Europe is not based on a common language, culture and values… Europe is a result of plans. It is, in fact, a classic utopian project, a monument to the vanity of intellectuals, a programme whose inevitable destiny is failure; only the scale of the final damage done is in doubt.”
Margaret Thatcher

“Let’s be clear about this. The rejection of the constitution was a mistake that will have to be corrected.”
(Valéry Giscard d’Estaing)

“The ‘no’ votes were a demand for more Europe, not less.”
(Romano Prodi, former President of the European Commission)


“I don’t want an ‘in or out’ referendum because I don’t think out is in Britain’s interests.”

(David Cameron, who won’t hold a referendum because he thinks he’ll lose)

“Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.”
(DH Lawrence)

“…there are constitutional innovations.”
(Mr Patrick Jenkin, former Tory MP during 2nd reading of European Communities Bill 1972)

“We need Britain! Personally I don’t think Britain needs the European Union”

Jean Claude JUNKER

“In Brussels one says “member state”. You may imagine it means the same thing as country or state, but “member state” does not. Note that adjective. Member modifies state. Like “wooden” modifies “leg”. The noun stays the same, but the essence of the thing is gone.”
(Mary Ellen Synon, Bruges Group Annual Conference 2013)

“No government dependent on a democratic vote could possibly agree in advance to the sacrifices which any adequate plan for European Union must involve. The people must be led slowly and unconsciously into the abandonment of their traditional economic defences, not asked…”
(Peter Thorneycroft, former Tory MP)

“[Bailouts are] expressly forbidden in the treaties by the famous no-bailout clause. De facto, we have changed the treaty.”
(French Europe minister Pierre Lelouche)

“The transfer by the States from their domestic legal system to the Community legal system of the rights and obligations arising under the Treaty carries with it a permanent limitation of their sovereign rights… against which a subsequent act incompatible with the concept of the Community cannot prevail”
(ECJ Case 6/64)

“[The EU Constitution represents] a visible move in only one direction…from intergovernmentalism to supranationalism…and this should be explained to the people of Europe”
(Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus)


“European integration is fortunately a train moving too fast for anyone to stop it.”
(Vaclav Havel, Czech Politician)

“The European Parliament is a caucusing body that is incredibly responsive to lobbying institutions, but it is completely unresponsive to public opinion.”
(Gisela Stuart, Labour MP June 2009)

“Millions of people in this country will feel as I do, that legislation passed in this way, with no consent, cannot command the assent of the country and would lack moral and constitutional validity.”
(Douglas Jay MP during 2nd reading of European Communities Bill 1972)

“It is an illusion to think that [EU] states can hold on to their autonomy.”
(Hans Tietmeyer, head of the Bundesbank 1991)

“…within ten years 80% of our economic legislation, perhaps even fiscal and social as well’ would come from the EU.”

(Jacques Delors, President of EU Commission 1988)

“The huge cost of the Common Agricultural Policy to taxpayers and consumers far outweighs any benefit to them…”
(Memo by MAFF to House of Lords European Communities Committee 1995)

“…we must now face the difficult task of moving towards a single economy, a single political unity.”
(Romano Prodi, President of EU Commission 1999)


“The day of the nation state is over.”
(Roman Herzog, German president, 1996)

“The European system of supranationality comes at the cost of democracy.”
(Lord Leach of Fairford)

“The [EU] Council of Ministers will have far more power over the budgets of member states than the federal government in the United States has over the budget of Texas.”
(Jean-Claude Trichet, current head of the European Central Bank)

“One must never forget that monetary union, which the two of us were the first to propose more than a decade ago, is ultimately a political project. It aims to give a new impulse to the historic movement toward union of the European states”
(Giscard d’Estaing, who drafted the EU Constitution 1997)

If #Blacks can use the #Racist epithets #Honkey N*gger & #Ho then only a #Racist_Law can deny people of other colours using the terms – Clearly no Racist-Law can be considered morally acceptable & to censor speech is clearly a criminal act.
(Greg_Lance-Watkins TWITTER @Greg_LW 28-Dec-2021)

Invalidating Conspiracy Theories:
Men and women who would stand on eachother’s necks with little encouragement, to climb the greasy pole of politics, would be unable to forbear from exposing eachother’s plots and ploys and if they were not included they would expose the conspiracy for their own gain.

(Greg_Lance-Watkins https://gl-w.com/)

“The process of monetary union goes hand in hand, must go hand in hand, with political integration and ultimately political union. EMU [economic and monetary union] is, and always was meant to be, a stepping stone on the way to a united Europe”
(Wim Duisenberg, first president of the EU Central Bank)

“Once the interlude of [WWI] was over, [countries] all went back to the rules and customs of traditional parliamentary democracies. I felt out of my depth.”
(Jean Monnet ‘Father of Europe’)

“We need to build a United States of Europe with the [EU] Commission as government.”
(Viviane Reding, EU Commissioner 2014)

“We had imagined a political ‘grand design’, a new international order…”
(Jean Monnet ‘Father of Europe’)

“I like the English style of life. I feel more at home here in London”
(Tintin creator, Belgian born Herge)

“We are not forming coalitions between States, but union among people”
(Jean Monnet, ‘Father of Europe’)

“The sovereign nations of the past can no longer solve the problems of the present: they cannot ensure their own progress or control their own future. And the Community itself is only a stage on the way to the organised world of tomorrow.”
(Jean Monnet, ‘Father of Europe’)


“That such an unnecessary and irrational project as building a European super-state was ever embarked on will seem in future years to be perhaps the greatest folly of the modern era. And that Britain . . . should ever have become part of it will appear a political error of the first magnitude.”
(Lady Thatcher, Statecraft)

“In a mid-sized Spanish city, the party that wins local elections can give senior posts to hundreds of people. Their clients need to get rich quick, in case they lose their jobs at the next election, and a new set of thieves from a rival party move in. In these circumstances, government from distant Brussels can appear more honest than government by the crooks down the road who you know.”
(Spanish political scientist Víctor Lapuente Giné)

There is no question of Britain losing essential national sovereignty”
(Ted Heath)


Euro quotes

“Euro has done more to enforce budgetary discipline in rest of Europe than any number of exhortations from IMF or OECD”.
(Nick Clegg, 2002)

“We’re happy to give the Greeks anything, just not money”.

(German MEP Markus Ferber 2010)
“The Euro has been a rock of stability… Joining the single currency would be a major step”.
(Labour MEP, Richard Corbett, 2009)

“The single currency… marks stability and growth and is crucial to high levels of growth and employment”.
(Tony Blair 1998)
“Britons will come round to the idea [joining the euro] once they’ve handled euro money”.
(Adam Boulton Sunday Times, 2001)
“Staying out of the Euro will mean progressive economic isolation for Britain”.
(Peter Mandelson, 2003)
“The European Union must take a decisive step towards a federal economic government, with common fiscal policies and a larger budget, if it is to save the euro”.
(Andrew Duff Lib Dem MEP 2011)
“A European currency will lead to member nations transferring their sovereignty over financial and wage policy as well as monetary affairs”.
(Hans Tietmeyer, head of the Bundesbank, 1991)

The single currency is the greatest abandonment of sovereignty since the foundation of the European Community: the decision is of an essentially political nature”.
(Felipe Gonzalez, a Spanish former PM, 1998)
“The euro area now represents a pole of stability for those countries participating in it by protecting them from speculation and financial turmoil. It is strengthening the internal market and contributing to the maintenance of healthy fundamental figures, fostering sustainable growth”.
(European Council conclusions, 2001)
“We must enter the euro with a clean sheet on all the criteria”.
(Then Greek Finance Minister, Yannis Papantoniou, 1999)

“The reality of the euro has exposed the absurdity of many anti-European scares while increasing the public thirst for information. Public opinion is already changing…as people can see the success of the new currency on the mainland”.
(Kenneth Clarke MP, 2002)

“The euro is a great success, and in today’s global economy, the pound is no longer an important currency. If we are not careful, we could become like Iceland in the next financial crisis”.
(BT Group Chairman, Sir Michael Rake, 2009)

“I think the eurozone has turned the corner”.
(Then French Economy Minister, Christine Lagarde, 29 January 2011)

“I believe that, within the next twelve months, we will have averted contagion and stabilised the eurozone”.
(German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, 30 December 2011)


“We cannot be members of the single market without being part of the single currency, the euro…In life, fighting for a minority view is sometimes dangerous and painful. But when you know you are right, and when so much of our national prosperity depends on it, we should expect our political leaders to act”.
(Virgin Group Chairman, Richard Branson, 2000)

“We are writing to make clear our concerns about the implications for business if the Government rules out membership of the euro for the lifetime of this Parliament. Such a decision would be damaging for British-based businesses, British employees and the British economy as a whole”.
(WPP Group CEO, Sir Martin Sorrell, et al., 2003)

“A single currency, introduced at the appropriate time, will reduce costs for businesses that trade or invest across Europe…More investment in growing businesses means more employment”.
(Then BP Chairman, Lord David Simon, 1997)

“Joining the euro would increase our incomes and thus our standard of living…Now the countries of Europe have taken one more step towards making a truly unified market, using only one currency. If again we delay joining, we again risk falling further behind”.
(Former Energy Secretary, Chris Huhne, former CBI Director General, Lord Adair Turner, et al., 2002)

“Staying out of the euro will mean progressive economic isolation for Britain. It will mean fewer foreign businesses investing here, fewer good jobs being created and less trade being done with our European partners”.
(Former Business Secretary, Lord Peter Mandelson, 2003)

“Britain should join the euro within the next few years in order to enhance British power and influence”.
(Centre for European Reform Director, Charles Grant, 2001)

“Joining EMU would offer multiple benefits…The euro would be good for jobs”.
(Then TUC Secretary General, John Monks, 2003)

“As time goes on, people will increasingly see that there is a price to be paid for remaining outside the euro”.
(Former Labour Party leader, Neil Kinnock, 2002)


“The euro may well come to be regarded in the coming years as part of the answer to saving the City from permanent decline. It was easy to dismiss the fledgling euro as a ‘toilet currency’ before we realised our own economic growth was built on sand”.
(Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg, 2009)

“Obviously joining a currency that everybody in Europe – including soon all the new European Union members – are using, a currency that American and Japanese and overseas businesses understand, has to make sense”.
(Then UK Europe Minister, Denis MacShane, 2003)

“I will be working hard – I will work very intensely to ensure that this transition is fast and is smooth, The less turbulence the better. The global economy today is not in the best shape for us to be introducing turbulence.”
(World Trade Organisation head Robert Azevedo 11-Jul-2019)

“The UK is a member of the WTO today, it will continue to be a member tomorrow. There will be no discontinuity in membership. They have to renegotiate (their terms of membership) but that doesn’t mean they are not members.”
(World Trade Organisation head Robert Azevedo 11-Jul-2019)

“Trade will not stop, it will continue as members negotiate the legal basis under which that trade is going to happen. But it doesn’t mean that we’ll have a vacuum or a disruption.”
(World Trade Organisation head Robert Azevedo 11-Jul-2019) 

“The euro, despite gloomy predictions from anti-Europeans, has proved to be a success”.
(Former Lib Dem leader, Charles Kennedy, 2002)

“In reality the economic integration between Britain and the Continent is so close, and we have confirmed this because we all belong to the common market, that it can’t be good in the long run to stay out of such a cardinal element as the currency union”.
(Then German Finance Minister, Hans Eichel, 2002)

“There are no real benefits and some real costs to the UK of monetary independence… it makes sense from a financial stability perspective for the UK to contract out monetary policy to the ECB”.
(Citigroup Chief Economist, Willem Buiter, 2007)

“Taking part in EMU would improve policy and performance enough to eliminate many of the strains that sceptics predict would emerge without the safety valve of devaluation”.
(BBC Trust Vice Chairman, Diane Coyle OBE, 1997)

Joining the was not in the Conservative manifesto the Commons vote was rigged & the 1975 referendum was corrupt & no spending controls. Pro-EEC spent £1,481,583 (roughly £11.2 million in today’s money), the “no” side, spent a mere £133,630 (just over £1 million today)

“The euro is like a breastplate that will become more and more resistant. The stability of the currencies within its area is without question”.
(Then EU Monetary Affairs Commissioner, Yves Thibault de Silguy, 1998)

“The strict rules attached to the euro could emerge as one of the best ways to persuade the markets that we will put Humpty Dumpty back together again, put the public finances in order”.
(Lib Dem leader, Nick Clegg, 2009)

“Europe’s power is easy to miss. Like an “invisible hand” it operates through the shell of traditional political structures. The British House of Commons, British law courts and British civil servants are still here, but they have become agents of the European Union, implementing European law. This is no accident. By creating common standards that are implemented through national institutions, Europe can take over countries without necessarily becoming a target for hostility”
(Guy Verhofstadt, Belgian Prime Minister, Financial Times, 21 June 2004)

“The question of entering the euro is worth a lot more to Britain than the wild anti-federalist fantasies peddled by those who think Britain should have nothing to do with Europe. Nobody of any consequence in Europe wants to create a federal super-state”.
(Former Business Secretary, Lord Peter Mandelson, 2003)

Image may contain: 1 person, glasses and text

Siemens threatened that Brexit would bring “significant and negative long-term effects”.
CEO, Joe Kaeser, says: “We’re here to stay”.
Those negative effects, he explains, will be felt by the EU 27, not by Britain: “We never said the UK is in bad shape if it leaves the EU. We said the EU would miss a massive opportunity.”
(Siemens, CEO – Joe Kaeser)

BreXit 076

“I would rather belong to a poor nation that was free than to a rich nation that had ceased to be in love with liberty”.
(Woodrow Wilson)


Pharmaceutical compant AstraZeneca has announced new spending in the UK of £330 million, pointing out that it’s “hard to find a better place in the world” to carry out scientific research.
(Astra Zeneca – Announced after BreXit vote)

We were warned, before the BreXit vote, that a trade deal with Canada could take many years. It now seems that there will be a UK-Canada rapidly.
(Canada – Announces its position after BreXit vote)

In a massive vote of confidence in London as the world’s premier financial centre – Deutsche Börse are to merge with the London Stock Exchange.
(Deutsch Borse – Announced after BreXit vote)

Now GSK has announced £275 million of new investment in the UK
Glaxo Smith Kline – Announced after BreXit vote)

Mr Osborne threatened Britain with emergency tax rises; his successor after the BreXit vote, talks, far more reasonably, of tax cuts.
(George Osborne, Chancellor UK – Contadicted by Phillip Hammond – After BreXit vote)

Wolfgang Schaeuble, The German finance minister, came to London to tell us that “out means out”, and that we’d be treated like any third country; now he says that George Osborne told him to use those words, and that a special deal will be found.
(Wolfgang Schaeuble, German Finance Minister – Announced after BreXit vote)

Japan’s SoftBank has paid an extraordinary £24.3 billion to purchase the Cambridge tech firm Arm
(Soft Bank – Announced after BreXit vote)

BreXit 05

We were told, before the BreXit vote, that we’d be at the back of the queue for a trade deal with the US. It now seems that there will be a UK-US deal even before any EU-US deal.
(USA – Announces its position after BreXit vote)

The giant American bank Wells Fargo is spending £300 million on its new European HQ – in London.
(Wells Fargo – Announced after BreXit vote)

DO NOT CLAIM YOU WERE NOT WARNED – In the House of Commons debate 25-Feb-1970 Enoch Powell made the peoples of Britain well aware of the enormity of the EEC (laterly the EU) trap into which they were being duped CLICK HERE

The British Government Knew The Consequences In 1971

Foreign and Commonwealth Office 30/1048 – 1971

…the transfer of major executive responsibilities to the bureaucratic Commission in Brussels will exacerbate popular feeling of alienation from government. To counter this feeling, strengthened local and regional democratic processes within the member states and effective Community regional economic and social policies will be essential.

Parliamentary sovereignty will be affected as we have seen. But the need for Parliament to play an increasing (if perhaps more specialised) role may develop. Firstly, although a European Parliament might in the longest term become an effective, directly elected democratic check upon the bureaucracy, this will not be for a long time, and certainly not in the decade to come. In the interval, to minimise the loss of democratic control it will be important that the British Parliamentarians should play an effective role both through the British membership in the European Parliament and through the processes of the British Parliament itself.

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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& calls are recorded.

of: Greg_L-W@BTconnect.com

With an avg. 1.2M voters per MEP & Britain having only 8%, if united, say. The EUropean Parliament has no ability to make policy and has a Commission of unelected bureaucrats, thus clearly the EU is not even a pretence of being a democracy; yet it is willing to slaughter people in Sovereign States to impose democracy on them!
The imposition of a Government and policies upon its vassal regions such as the peoples of Greece shows just how far from being a democracy the EU is.There will be little or no change in Britain’s economic position, when we leave the EU and by then being a part of the Eropean Economic Area all will benefit, as we secure trade relations with the EU vassal regions and can trade and negotiate independently on a global stage.
One huge benefit will be that we can negotiate with bodies like the WTO, UN, WHO, IMF, CODEX and the like, directly in our own interest and that of our partners around the world in both the Commonwealth and the Anglosphere at large; rather than having negotiations and term imposed by unelected EU bureacrats.
The greatest change and benefit will be political, as we improve our democracy and self determination, with the ability to deselect and elect our own Government, which with an improved Westminster structure, see >Harrogate Agenda<.
How we go about the process of disentangling our future well being from the EU is laid out in extensive, well researched and immensly tedious detail see >FleXcit< or for a brief video summary CLICK HERE

Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins

eMail: Greg_L-W@BTconnect.com



Just to let you know that if I can help YOU to restore democracy to OUR Country, repatriate OUR self Governance, reinstate OUR Justice structure, reinstate OUR borders and respect OUR values I will do all I can to help YOU.


Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 44 (0)1594 – 528 337
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‘e’Mail Address: Greg_L-W@BTconnect.com

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Skype: GregL-W


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